Home About Vanilla Billy Flavours & Fillings Portions Ordering & Delivery Contact Us
For a free initial consultation please email your requirements to vicky@vanillabilly.co.uk and we will get back to you with a quote as soon as possible.  Alternatively please call us on 07979 853092 

Party Cupcakes:  	        Gateaux:                                       Children’s Cakes:		    Celebration Cakes:

24 for £45	                  Prices from £30.00                   Prices from £40.00	              Prices from £50.00
Wedding Cakes:

Tiered: 						Individual Wedding Cakes : 
1 tier from £150			            	60  		£315
2 tiers from £250			          80		£345
3 tiers from £350			          100		£375
4 tiers from £450			          120		£395
							150		£425

Flowers and ribbons can be co-ordinated to match your bridal flowers or wedding colour scheme.
The prices shown above are for guidance only and the final price will be confirmed on booking.mailto:vicky@vanillabilly.co.uk?subject=shapeimage_7_link_0